About Us
Sustainability and quality.

All our organic beans are grown and harvested from FairTrade suppliers. We make sure every aspect of the farming process is as earth friendly, people friendly and sustainable as possible. Obviously transport and shipment of the harvested beans creates a carbon footprint. We try to limit this where we can and contribute towards the global ‘Carbon Footprint Organization’.
When we roast our beans we only use bio-mass materials to ensure there is no impact on the environment. This creates a CO2 neutral roast. This method does not affect the flavor, but does have a positive impact on the environment as we repurpose waste materials that would otherwise be discarded. All our packaging is created using 100% recyclable materials.
From the beans to the grinder, We try to do it as earth friendly as possible and we keep innovating to limit our impact on the planet. The method of roasting using bio-mass, the inks in the packaging, the cartons, cups and even the sugar and milk are all made using organic ingredients. Where we can we collect and repurpose the used coffee grinds.
What good would it be to go to such great lengths sourcing and creating organic and ethical coffee only to produce an average cup of coffee at the end of the process? No good at all would be our answer! That’s why we make sure the coffee tastes epic, to the last drop. Our master blender who has dedicated her live to creating the wonderful tastes and aromas associated with the finest premium coffee.
The earth is our only home. We know that the impact humans have made has had a somewhat negative impact. Basically, we’ve not treated it so kindly. But that can change – one drop at a time. We are committed to making a difference in everything we do. And we know that one small thing can have a massive impact. Before we do anything, we think about the consequences as we know that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. How do we know? Because we’re human too. And we want a bright future for generations to come.
We know that every decision we make has a consequence. For better or for worse. And we ensure that all our decisions are made knowing the impact it will have, not only on the consumer but those people involved in the process at every step along the way. We ensure the villagers where we source our raw materials are treated fairly, and rewarded for their efforts in a manner that we approve of. We ensure that the transport and shipment of our globally sourced beans creates the least amount of pollutants possible. Even the production of our cups, sugar sachets and associated packaging is done with as much knowledge about the origination of the materials and the treatment of the people involved in the production process and of course, the impact on the environment as possible. This deep focus on doing ‘the right thing’ permeates throughout everything we do.
The effort we put in to creating a pure coffee product that has a positively impact on the planet should be reflected in the taste. And it does!. The rich flavours, the aromas and the heart felt warmth of knowing you’re enjoying a fine coffee which has a positive impact on the people and the planet makes it taste that little bit better. Our premium coffee not only tastes fantastic, but it also saves the earth, one drop at a time

Create perfect premium coffee that can be enjoyed knowing that everything has been done to limit the impact on the planet.
From ensuring all our suppliers are treated as partners and fairly compensated for their hard earned efforts to sourcing only the best "Earth friendly" materials for our packaging, and of course roasting our beans using carbon (CO2) biomass - we do absolutely everything we can, to make the world a bette place - one drop at a time.
We believe in creating the perfect coffee that has a positive impact on your palate and a positive impact on the planet too.
With Kalahari we want to create a fully responsible coffee. Recyclable packaging, organic coffee and the CO2 free roast: Kalahari Coffee with a conscience!